It's hard to believe, but it is that time of year again - the first week of football practice. It also seems like an appropriate time to mention that Jamie is officially a graduate of his master's program. It's a big adjustment from having Jamie home all the time to having him gone most of the time, but I find that each year the transition goes more and more smoothly. This year we've added in a bit of a commute, so he's out the door by 5am. It's so strange to wake up and be able to turn on all the lights, run the hairdryer, and listen to the radio - I spent the entire summer tiptoeing around the house, doing my hair and makeup in the tiny hallway bathroom, and attempting not to wake him in the mornings...and I have to say he's such a light sleeper that most of my attempts at showering and exiting our room undetected were total failures! It's kind of nice to eliminate that worry. AND it's nice to be the last one out of bed instead of the first! Love ya, honey - now it's your turn! :)
Most of the coaching staff is new this year, with about half of the families relocating for the new job - one from as far away as Indiana! Everyone is getting settled, and we are getting to know one another. So far it seems like a great group. I'm looking forward to hanging out with the ladies and kiddos in the stands very soon.
The beginning of football also means that my favorite time of year, the fall, is rapidly approaching. It seems silly to be discussing fall when the heat index is still over 100 degrees, but in all seriousness it will be here before we know it. Some of my mommy friends are already contemplating Halloween costumes for their little ones - this is a bit much even for me, but it feels like lately the weeks just fly by. Before I know it, I will blink and it will be time for hot chocolate, trick-or-treating, turkey, and a visit from Holly & Herman. Just typing that makes me panic a tiny bit inside. Another year is over halfway gone and I haven't really accomplished much. But such is life, I suppose. This has been Jamie's big year for accomplishment, and I am proud to be by his side. I think my year must be somewhere on the horizon.
A new year is amost here
14 years ago
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