Just a very quick post for our families who may be reading from out of town...
As Hurricane Ike rapidly approaches, we are making preparations. We are in a mandatory evacuation zone, but with 2, 90-lb dogs our options are drastically limited. We really don't have anywhere to go, since all of our immediate family lives here in the Houston area. In speaking with our neighbors, it appears that most of our street is planning to stay and ride out the storm, so at least we will not be alone.
I am freezing water, and we will fill our bathtubs tomorrow morning. I'm anticipating a power outage, but the main question is how long will we be without power?? Jamie heard someone on TV (I believe it was an interview with a representative from Center Point Energy) saying that worst case scenario would be a loss of power for 18 days. Please pray we don't have to experience the worst case!
Our cell phones are charged, camera battery is charged, laptops are charged, and gas tanks are full. We have a nice collection of non-perishable food items, flashlights, and batteries.
Poor Jamie has been outside boarding up the windows all day, and he still has quite a bit to go. He will only be able to board the downstairs windows, so we are hoping for the best. We need to secure everything in the back yard and bring in plants, but I'm waiting until tonight when it's a bit cooler outside. I also need to go help mom bring all of their plants indoors.
I am trying to consider everything in advance, and I feel like I'm going to forget something important. I'm doing the laundry in case we can't wash clothes for a while. I put all of our photos in plastic tubs and up in the top of our closet.
We will go over to mom and dad's tomorrow and prepare to stay there throughout the storm. Their home is new, well-built, and has double-paned storm windows. They also have a HUGE walk-in closet where we could stay if needed. Plus, it is just good to be together during an event like this. I'm so glad that I will have all the most important people with me during the storm.
Prayers are much appreciated, and hopefully our homes will make it through Ike with minimal damages. Of course our safety is the #1 priority.
A new year is amost here
14 years ago
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please stay safe. But if it looks very bad, please consider finding a pet-friendly shelter and evac to it!
Good luck, I will be praying for you all there. Stay safe!!!
Stay safe...you didn't mention if you had your important papers in a safe, waterproof place. :) Hope so, and hoping for the best.
my crazy house is,well, crazy and crowded, but you are welcome to evacuate here if you need too.
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