Friday, September 28, 2007

Another One Bites The Dust!

I don't have too much to say about tonight's game. I had Elise with me in the stands, so that always makes it a little harder to focus. Our opponent was simply outmatched tonight, and I will let the score speak for itself.

Friendswood Mustangs 56, Santa Fe Indians 6

Enough said! The Mustangs are now 5-0, with the potential to get through the regular season with only one loss. It will take hard work, but I really think we can do it!

I had my camera with me tonight, and I think I got some pretty good shots.

I love this next one. Jamie says that his favorite part of the game is at the end when Elise comes running towards him and jumps into his arms. Win or lose, it makes the whole night worthwhile.

Elise also really enjoys this. In fact, she enjoys it so much that she asks me about 100 times during the game if it's almost over so she can go play on the field. She was not ready to go home tonight and thought that the football players should all stay and continue playing. I am sure that the tired coaches and players would not have agreed!

Gimmie five!!!

We had Mr. Beatty take a few shots of us as a family tonight, so once he gets the new pics on the website, I will post another entry to show those off if they turn out well. We are hoping to have something that is Christmas card worthy!

Although games that get out of hand like this are not the most entertaining, I always enjoy the fact that a lot of kids get to play who normally don't have that opportunity. Tonight every single player on the Mustang roster contributed to the win. Not only that, but our kicker played quarterback in the 4th quarter! Now that is something that you just don't see everyday.

Next week will be a closer game. We are traveling to Dickinson, who I have just heard defeated Angleton tonight. We will be ready for a tougher match up next Friday.


NesrstaFamily said...

I DEFINITELY think the last picture is Christmas card material. You should frame that one!

NesrstaFamily said...

I am going to have to add that the pictures of Elise in her cheer leading outfit are priceless. She looks adorable and the ones of her running to Jamie, oh it just melts the heart. These are some great pictures you captured.